How to Choose the Right Colour scheme for Your Website | Corsto Web Design
How to Choose the Right Colour scheme for Your Website

How to Choose the Right Colour scheme for Your Website

By Corsto Blog Team
How to Choose the Right Colour scheme for Your Website

When it comes to choosing the right colour scheme for your website, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. The first thing to consider is what mood you want your website to evoke. Different colours can create different moods, so you need to decide what vibe you want your website to give off.

Colour and Target Audience

Another thing to keep in mind is your target audience. Each colour has different associations depending on the culture. For example, in the Western world, blue is often associated with trust and reliability, while in China, blue is associated with sadness. So you need to make sure that the colours you choose will be appropriate for your target audience.

Finally, you need to think about how well the colours will contrast with each other. For example, if you have a very bright red background on your website, it might be hard to read the text on top of it or stand out against it.

So how do you know what colours are best for your website? Let’s say that you are starting a business selling baby clothes online. If this is the case, you should probably design your website in a way that evokes feelings of comfort and relaxation. Baby clothes are often soft and warm, so you can create a similar mood by choosing a colour scheme with a lot of light, neutral colours.

Also keep in mind that you should probably avoid using red as it is the colour that is most likely to stand out against other lighter shades. You might also want to avoid using dark browns, blacks and greys as they aren’t very friendly looking. Instead, choose muted greens like olive green or moss green which will be welcoming without being too bright or shocking.

As for the audience part – if your target audience tends to skew younger (i.e., teenagers or young adults), your best bet would be to use a colour scheme with warmer colours like reds and yellows. If you’re selling more mature products (i.e., baby clothes, diapers and children’s furniture) then using a cooler colour palette of blues and greens might work better for your audience.

Now that we’ve gone through the basics of choosing the correct colour scheme, here are some helpful resources: Coolors Great website for picking out matching colours! Adobe Color CC A free online resource for pairing colours together based on their mood or feeling.
